miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007

If Death Shall Come Forth to My Side

(Finished text; shown at the Dylan Thomas Festival in Wales.)

If death shall come forth to my side
Take me by the hand, and lead me where you are,
Would you ask me to stay, and wait behind?
Would you tell me not to go gentle into that good night?
But our feet shall linger upon the Elysian Fields,
And you’ll be king among the flowers,
Prince among the horses of the riders of our doom,
And I shall dance by the lover’s tomb (a Fern Hill queen!)
Under a proud, silent, raging moon,
Fairy demons glide, carrying our names—
Under a shower of all these tortured years—
Here, in the dominion of the shadow
Where we shall wait,
Rage as flores ansiadas, et poètes maudites,
Expect our father, there on the sad height,
To either curse or bless with his fierce acid rain tears,
On the winged creatures carrying
The day, the October night
When the towering dead, broken, as one
Laid their last blood-red breath upon the land—
And softly joined the dying of the light.

5 comentarios:

Emiliano Álvarez dijo...

no sé si sabes que tengo el vicio de aprenderme poemas; pero en fin, lo que quiero decir es que este es, sin duda, candidato para habitar mi memoria.

Lady Stardust dijo...

I know your vices. También te aprendes canciones de Sabina.

Fernando García dijo...

etá mal si le pongo eltra a una canción con este poema jiji?

Lady Stardust dijo...

Jajaja, no, no está mal... pero siempre pensé q saldría una canción dark. Además, si le pones letra a una canción con este poema, vas a tener q ponerlo como source, ps el poema ya está registrado.

Mar dijo...

Magnifique! Uno de los que más me gustan de tu tortuoso músculo cardíaco. :)